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Music Making Software For Children : How Yeats Borrowed An Old Song When Writing The Salley Gardens

Music Making Software For Children : How Yeats Borrowed An Old Song When Writing The Salley Gardens

Music Making Software For Children : How Yeats Borrowed An Old Song When Writing The Salley Gardens - The Irish love song Down by the Salley Gardens sounds like it has come straight out of the folk music tradition but in fact it was written by the classically educated poet W B Yeatshe song is a tale of unrequited love in which the young man pursues a girl he meets while out walkinge manages to establish a relationship with her temporarily but then he loses her considering that he ignores her pleas to "take love slowly"e effectively frightens her away and is left to regret his haste and his foolishnesseats originally wrote the lyrics in the late 1880s and they weren't put to music until 1909 when the composer Herbert Hughes additional them to the tune of the Irish folk song, The Maids of Mournehis gave the words a new lease of life as the song became an instant hit and is still popular todayt has been performed by artists all over the world, even in Asian countries like South Korea which have no direct cultural connection with Irelandt was possibly ironic that Yeats poem sho ... [Read More - Music Making Software For Children]

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Here is Digital Beat Producing Computer software

Music Making Software For Children : How Yeats Borrowed An Old Song When Writing The Salley Gardens

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